-We are seeking a part-time qualified Technical Director. This is an internship and will ONLY be compensated a monthly stipend of $250. The
Technical Director must be available for all shows held at 3Peace (an average of 8-12 annually). The Technical Director will secure and train individuals
to run the sound and lighting equipment for each show. The Technical Director will set-up each show therefore it is imperative that they are familiar with
all aspects of theatrical lighting and sound. The individual chosen must be comfortable working around children and people with special needs. The
Technical Director must be reliable, personable, a great communicator, and make a 1-year commitment. This position will commence when filled
and may eventually transition to regular paid staff . To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume via email with the title you are applying for in the
subject line to Human Resources at:
Costume Manager
-We are seeking a part-time qualified Costume Manager. This is an unpaid internship. The Costume Manager
must be available for all shows held at
3Peace (an average of 8-12 annually). The Costume Manager will recruit volunteers to create, sew, mend, build, reconfigure, and purchase costumes
for each show. The Costume Manager will oversee the costuming of each production and make sure that the costuming is complete by show deadline.
This person is also responsible for typing a costume list and setting up costume racks for each show. The Costume Manager should be familiar with
all aspects of theatrical costuming. The individual chosen must be comfortable working around children and people with special needs. The Costume
Manager must be reliable, personable, a great communicator, and make a 1-year commitment. This position will commence when filled. To apply,
please submit a cover letter and resume via email with the title you are applying for in the subject line
to Human Resources at:
Stage Manager
-We are seeking a part-time qualified Stage Manager. This is an unpaid internship. The Stage Manager must be available for all auditions, rehearsals,
and shows held at 3Peace. The Stage Manager will keep notes for and assist the director and be in charge of cast and crew correspondence. The Stage
Manager should be familiar with stage management and all aspects of theatrical production. The individual chosen must be comfortable working around
and people with special needs. The Stage Manager must be reliable, personable, a great communicator, and make a 1-year commitment. This
position will commence when filled. To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume via email with the title you are applying for in the subject line
to Human Resources at:
Set Manager
-We are seeking a part-time qualified Set Manager. This is an unpaid internship. The Set Manager must be available for all shows held at 3Peace (an
average of 8-12 annually). The Set Manager will recruit volunteers to create, build, reconfigure, and purchase sets for each show. The Set Manager will
oversee the set construction of each production and make sure that the sets are complete and safe by show deadline. This person is also responsible for
typing a set list and a set change order list for each show. The Set Manager should be familiar with all aspects of theatrical building. The individual
chosen must be comfortable working around children and people with special needs. The Set Manager must be reliable, personable, a great
communicator, and make a 1-year commitment. This position will commence when filled. To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume via email
with the title you are applying for in the subject line to Human Resources at:
Prop Manager
-We are seeking a part-time qualified Prop Manager. This is an unpaid internship. The Prop Manager must be available for all shows held at 3Peace (an
average of 8-12 annually). The Prop Manager will recruit volunteers to create, build, reconfigure, and purchase props for each show. The Prop Manager
will oversee the props for each production and make sure that all props are organized and accounted for by show deadline. This person is also
responsible for typing a prop list and setting up prop tables for each show. The Prop Manager should be familiar with all aspects of theatrics. The
individual chosen must be comfortable working around children and people with special needs. The Prop Manager must be reliable, personable, a great
communicator, and make a 1-year commitment. This position will commence when filled. To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume via email
with the title you are applying for in the subject line to Human Resources at: